Über uns

… from generation to generation since 1978.

This is our credo and philosophy.
We stand for excellent service, friendly customer relationship and of course quality products !

Our customers do recommend us for our reliability in servicing in the best possible way.

People who know trust us.

Your's sincerely.

Andy Dinsdale

Dinsdale Watersports GmbH

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Tel:    +49 89 514 625 88
Mob: +49 176 1010 8319

Email: [email protected]


Dinsdale Watersports GmbH
D - 82031 Grünwald (bei München)
Deutschland / Germany


Montag - Freitag  10:00 - 13:00
                                14:00 - 18:00
Samstag                10:00 - 13:00
Sonntag                  geschlossen


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